Saturday, 7 August 2010

This life i'm dreaming.

It's really been far too long since I last blogged and I apologise dearly. I hope everyones been having an amazing summer and has been making the most of it! I've gotten so used to the freedom of the holidays and have no idea how i'll be able to go back to the systematic routine of normal life, and the dreaded taboo of the summer: school. Following are a stream of photographs from events that i've been to recently.

Although i've practically exiled any thoughts of school and results day, I can't help but fret over the dress code rules for sixth form. Sixth form comes with the luxury of being able to wear our own clothes, but of course the treat comes with many catches. The dress code states an infinite list of orders: no shorts, no short skirts, no bra straps showing, no bare shoulders, no coats to be worn around the school, no hats, no frayed denim and so-forth, I guess you get the idea? The more than inconvenient nature of these rules allow me only to indulge in looking at jackets, trousers, jeans and basic tops. To say the least, it'll be a difficult battle getting me into jeans as the last time I wore them was around two/three years ago! I've gotten a head start on my shopping list by purchasing these 'oxford pants' from AA. They're full length but I am contemplating on getting them tailored to 3/4 length. The rest of the following photographs are also of items solely from urban outfitters and topshop online that have stood out to me...

Although I definately don't see myself pulling one off, i've always had a soft spot for maxi dresses. Here are a few of my favourites...
I will be getting back into the normal rhythm of blogging, I hope everyone is having a good weekend!

Lots of love,
Habin xo.

[Last bulk of images from topshop and urban outfitters online]


  1. you willy tailored trousers suit you so nicely!
    looks like you've been having a good ol' summer.
    i hate to say this and ruin your post but 17days..... i'm actually shitting myself you don't even undertand!
    mmmm maxis <3

  2. You're a great photographer (:
    Love your trousers and shoes!

    Ella Jasmine

  3. wow that funny pics! I love that blazer too!!! Xoxo

  4. Your summer looks like you've been having a great time!
    Those first trousers are INCREDIBLE and look so good on you. Silly sixth form rules!
    UO X

  5. don't worry, i refuse to believe that results day exists either! looks like you're having a good summer (:

  6. Those pictures are cool! :D i really really love your blue blouse :D i like the black sheer blouse thing :)

  7. Your summer looks like so much fun!! I know you don't want to think of school, but with school comes summer holidays and you will miss those when they are gone.
    As for your dress code, thank goodness the modest polished look is so very chic right now! I pick up "sensible" pieces at second hand shops for work and I keep seeing longer and longer skirts in magazines so these things recently deemed dowdy are now totally back in style.
    I really love the things youve shown here too!!

  8. love the crop top miss! and your photos are great because everyone is having such a good time. i want to go to these events.

  9. oh dear i want everything that is here xxxx

  10. Lovely pics! It looks soooooo fun! :D
    Those revealing tops are so sexy!
    Thanks for the comment :D

  11. Looks like you're having a great summer! Those AA' pants really suit you :)



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